We are currently holding public adoption events at Floyd Lamb Park every Saturday from 10 AM to 3 PM and on Sunday by appointment.
If you are unable to attend a public adoption event, please set up an appointment for a private adoption.
Please email [email protected] or text (562) 373-5376 if you have any questions or wish to set up an appointment.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Bunnies Matter Rescue will only adopt out bunnies that will be permanently HOUSED INSIDE YOUR HOME, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Bunnies live 10X longer and healthier lives indoors.
>>> Short video to help you see if a bunny is right for you <<<
Please ONLY consider adopting if you intend to keep your rabbit(s) for their entire life/lives.
Bunnies are FOREVER PETS (life expectancy of 12+ years indoors). They can move and celebrate life’s milestones with you.
Bunnies are an “exotic” pet and are MORE EXPENSIVE THAN DOGS & CATS to vet them. They are NOT starter pets for anyone, especially children. Bunnies should not be purchased for holidays (like Easter) or birthdays or as a GIFT unless they are present. They require SPECIAL CARE, HOUSING AND DIET. YOUR RABBIT SHOULD NEVER BE HOUSED IN A CAGE.
If you have allergies, please get tested first for hay and rabbit allergies if you are allergic to other animal hair.
All SINGLE bunny adoptions are $100 and bonded pairs, which we recommend, are now only $150 PER BONDED PAIR!
Every rescued bunny costs our rescue a minimum of $200 to spay/neuter, chip and vaccinate. Every bunny or pair of bunnies comes with a FREE bunny starter kit with everything you need to set up a safe place in your home. So for every bonded pair we adopt out, we lose over $250. We have VERY generous supporters who love what we do to save bunnies in Las Vegas and that is how we can give you healthy, vetted bunnies with a full equipment set up at only a fraction of what it would cost you to do it correctly if you bought a rabbit from a breeder or pet store.
What is in our free starter kit?
Our kit includes an exercise pen, 1 5X7 tarp, 1 large litter box, a food bowl, a gravity waterer, rabbit food pellets, bedding pellets for your litter box, Timothy Orchard hay, nail clippers and a pet carrier and sometimes even more.
Complete applications can be emailed or texted to us.
[email protected] or (562) 373-5376
To be sure adopting a rabbit is right for you, we recommend reading a rabbit care book, such as the “The Bunny Burrow Rabbit Care Guide” which the www.TheBunnyBurrow.org has allowed us to share with you!
Please note, if you call, it will likely go to voicemail and we will get back to you ASAP. IF you don’t hear from us in a day or two PLEASE REACH BACK OUT TO US AGAIN. Sometimes a message slips through.

Updated: January 4, 2025

In Rememberance of LILI

Blackberry (Unfixed Female) | Ember (Unfixed Female) |
DOB: 7/19/2024 | DOB: 7/19/2024 |
Rescued: 8/19/2024 | Rescued: 8/19/2024 |
Blackberry and Ember were being attacked at a local bunny dumpsite by bigger bunnies at only 5 or 6 weeks old so we rescued them before they were killed.
Not fixed (At 6 months). Chipoped. Available for FOSTER TO ADOPT.

DOB: BOTH 3/1/2022
Rescued: 11/232024
Two sweet bonded girls were surrendered when the owners were evicted from their home and moved out of state. Previous owner said that Maple needs tooth trims.
Fixed. Chipped.

DOB: 6/15/2022 (EST)
Rescued: 12/6/24
Someone found Charlie in their apartment complex and could not keep him. HE IS A TRIPOD BUNNY (missing front left leg). CURRENTLY ON HOLD FOR BONDING.
Not ixed Chipped.

DOB: 3/19/2023 | |
Rescued: 5/19/2023 |
Sweet girl looking for her forever home (soon).
Fixed. Chipped.

ALEXA (White & Orange) & BLU (Black with Blue Eyes)
Both these poor FEMALE bunnies were dumped in neighborhoods, BLU was found in a gutter and Alexa was found in a neighborhood. Both sweet bunnies need a loving home.
DOB: Alexa 5/5/2021 Blu 4/26/2021
Rescued: Both rescued weeks apart in 2022

BINX (Black Bunny)
DOB: ??? – Waiting to go to the vet.
Rescued: 12/1/2024 –
Rescued by a neighbor who found the bunny in a cage behind their next-door neighbor’s house who had moved away.
Not Fixed. Not Chipped. Not Vaccinated.

Dot | Black with white nose |
DOB: 3/22/2024 | FIXED |
Rescued: 11/2/24 | CHIPPED |
Dot was abandoned at Craig Ranch Park. She was very friendly at first but she does not like being confined and has started grunting.

DOB: 5/1/2021
Rescued: 5/21/2021
Notes: These 2 bunnies were drug in by a cat when they were babies but survived. Sky has an issue with her eye but BMR would cover the cost if it becomes an issue. Previously adopted out but returned due to allergies.
Fixed. Chipped.

DOB: 10/13/2020
Rescued: 12/6/2021
He’s a sweetie that was adopted from us and had to be surrendered. Film is looking for a loving home, preferably one with bananas.
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.
Fixed. Chipped.

Timmie (Momma) & Butter (Daughter)
DOB: Timmie 8/30/2023 (Butter 4/2/2024)
Rescued: 3/30/2024 (Timmie) 4/2/2024 (Butter)
Notes: Timmie was rescued behind Timothy’s Auto Shop and 3 days later had several baby bunnies (Butter is one of her girls).
Both are fixed and chipped.

Arrow | Summer (Smokey) |
DOB: 1/4/21 | DOB: 1/4/21 |
Rescued: 8/24/23 | Rescued: 8/24/23 |
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

SUNNY (Female) & DEXTER (Male) – ADOPTED 1/11/25
DOB: 6/15/2020 (Both)
Rescued: 5/19/2024
These 2 were born from Sunflower on 5/19/2024 from a bunny who was rescued from a local bunny dumpsite. Were recently returned due to financial issues and not enough room for them.
Both Fixed and Chipped.

Sox (Male)
DOB: 4/6/2024
Rescued: 11/24/2024
New Bunny that has been very scared but is finally settling in.
Fixed. Chipped. Not Vaccinated.

DREAM (Male) & SPRITE (Female)
DOB: 5/19/2019 (Both)
Rescued: 11/9/2024
Notes: Recently returned after 4 years because they were moving. These sweet bunnies are now looking for their real forever home this time.
Fixed Chipped

DOB: 12/21/2021
Rescued: Adopted from The Animal Foundation and surrendered to us. Original adopters said their house was too busy and noisy for this bunny. Sweet and curious girl.
Notes: Chip # is 981020043819532
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

Lucky & Star (Both Female)
DOB: 3/13/2029
Rescued: 5/2024
These bonded female bunnies were adopted out by The Animal Foundation and eventually abandoned at the doorsteps to our rescue. Lucky is very sweet but Star is the protector and will grunt at you if you approach too fast.
Fixed. Chipped. Not Vaccinated.

BINX (Female?)
DOB: ????
Rescued: 12/7/2024
Notes: New intake. Seems to be social. Abandoned in a cage behind a home when someone moved out. Neighbors grabbed her and brought her to us.
Not Fixed Not Chipped

Lori & Torie (Fixed Sisters)
DOB: BOTH 10/17/2021
Rescued: 12/11/2021
Notes: Sisters were adopted out but were returned due to allergies. One of the sisters came back a little nippy. They do better in larger spaces. 2 very beautiful bunnies needing a fresh start with a loving home.
Fixed, Chipped,

Old Man & BunBun
DOB: Old Man (7/4/2019) BunBun (4/6/2021)
Rescued: Both rescued in 2022
Notes: “Old Man” was saved at a dumpsite very near death. He was next to “Bun Bun” while being brought up to health and when better, he would jump into her cage. Finally, we put them together and they love each other very much.
Fixed. Chipped.

Please email us at [email protected] or text us at (562) 373-5376 if you have any questions or would like to request an appointment.
Itty, Bitty, & Mocha
Itty (solid mustache) | Bitty (spotted mustache) | Mocha (choco brown) |
DOB: 1/15/22 | DOB: 1/15/22 | DOB: 1/15/22 |
Rescued: 2/28/22 | Rescued: 2/29/22 | Rescued: 3/1/22 |
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

Charlie Brown & Ginger
Ginger (brown) | Charlie Brown |
DOB: unknown | DOB: 2/15/21 |
Rescued: 3/21/21 | Rescued: 3/19/21 |
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

DOB: 3/20/21
Rescued: 3/21/21
When Navech was surrendered, he was a bit on the bigger side and is trying to lose a bit of weight. He loves his treats.
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

Sparkles & Aurora
DOB: unknown
Rescued: 3/21/21
This female bonded pair were found as babies near our foster’s home. They were grooming each other before we rudely interrupted them for this photo.
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

DOB: 10/13/20
Rescued: 12/6/21
He’s a sweetie that was adopted from us and had to be surrendered. Film is looking for a loving home, preferably one with bananas.
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

Blue & Alexa (Now at Park)
Blue | Alexa |
DOB: 4/26/21 | DOB: 5/5/2021 |
Rescued: 2022 | Rescued: 2022 |
Fixed. Chipped. Vaccinated.

Bunnies can be at least a 10-YEAR COMMITMENT, so please only adopt them if you are going to love them like you would a member of your family.